Squibs Galore!!

What better way to relax after a full morning’s committee meeting?  Go for a sail with friends on our Squibs  Lift Off and Saytr and  …………………get a close view of the Squib Inlands action.


Tony and Jo helming in breezy conditions on Lift Off. Satyr in the background

Staying well out of the way, just  amazing to see a mass of Squibs in top class condition being sailed to their limit by experienced crews – keen to get squeeze every knot out their boats.

The breeze picks up



Squib Inlands 2017 – preparing to race in breezy conditions

An Armada of Squibs – home to moorings Inlands 2017

Squib Inlands heading back to moorings post racing Saturday 7 Oct 2017 Rutland

About Dave Grundy

Joined RCSSC after over 25 years gap from sailing offshore and dinghies. I quickly got involved and became the Sailing Secretary, later the Treasurer and for three years RCSSC Club Commodore ( Now title is Club Captain) So glad I found RCSSC.

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