Rutland Civil Service Sailing Club – What’s that all about?


Phew! Let’s be honest, Rutland Civil Service Sailing Club is a bit of a mouthful.  So what’s the story behind this long title? What brings a disparate group of people to the largest man made lake in NW Europe, as a small but friendly sailing club?

I think this is best told by Pete Shuttleworth, our very own Yorkshire Sailor and founder of RCSSC (there I’ve shortened it already for you).

Having heard the story over a pint or two on the veranda at Rutland Sailing Club – the home of RCSSC and rumours of Pete and family moving back to Yorkshire, I felt this story was worth recording.

Drive and enthusiasm brought life and boats to a new club

Click the link to read this unique story on page 8




About Dave Grundy

Joined RCSSC after over 25 years gap from sailing offshore and dinghies. I quickly got involved and became the Sailing Secretary, later the Treasurer and for three years RCSSC Club Commodore ( Now title is Club Captain) So glad I found RCSSC.