Yearly archives: 2019

We played this game from my childhood on a bus trip recently and everyone got involved and enjoyed it. So here goes, here is my challenge to you – Q1 How many words can you make from RUTLAND SAILING . Minimum four letters, no plurals, no pronouns. Q2: What is […]

Challenge you …..

The Squib News and some great images from our friends at the National Squib Association. Meanwhile RCSSC was doing its bit – with two Squibs sailing on Good Friday, Saturday and Easter Monday [and not forgetting our Soling “Time Flies’] and 12 bookings from members wishing to sail.

A Happy Easter for Squibs

When I got home [Friday 19 April 2019] and went into the kitchen and remembered I still had my sunglasses on. No worries, my specs are in my blue dry bag I thought. After a bit of searching it soon became apparent it wasn’t in my big bag or in […]

Every Cloud …..