This year’s AGM was a bit of an emotional voyage for me, being my third and final AGM as Comodore.
I had a sail plan to navigate us through the AGM and a good crew around me keeping a watch and alerting me to those times when I needed to get back on course.
My focus was on ensuring we kept if light, interesting, whilst covering all the legal ‘stuff’ and I knew the committee had a special announcement to make about the new club burgee and imagery.
We also had two speakers after the ‘interval’ Our new Club Captain Chris Peck and Michelle Chelu from the CSSC – both where well received and got the meeting talking. Well done!
Anyone who sails, knows that coming in alongside, at the end of the sail is the most dangerous point – you don’t want to bash into the pontoon and damage the boat or your crew ( or messing up in front of other RSC members.)
You know how it is when you’re just coming in and the wind changes? That’s what it was like for me when, at the end of the meeting, Tony stood up and started speaking. He really crept up on me and took the wind out of my sails! If I looked a little bewildered and shocked, I was!
Thank you for the very kind words and the thoughtful gifts, which are very much appreciated and I shall ensure the boat and images get pride of place.
I look forward to sailing in good company with my friends at RCSSC
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
See you on the water in 2018