Launching – Slipway Images25th February 2018 by IMG 3639 2 Crew sets out chocks two IMG 3636 2 Helm briefing tractor driver who is delivering the boat on a trailer IMG 3645 2 Disconnecting the trailer from the tractor 1 - lowering the jockey wheel IMG 3647 Disconnect the trailer - tractor handle lifted, release button pressed and jockey wheel raised to allow disconnect IMG 3644 2 Trailer Chocked IMG 3642 2 Trailer guided onto chocks - chock tight up behind both wheels IMG 3646 2 Disconnecting the trailer - jockey wheel lowered IMG 3638 2 Crew sets out chocks read to stop the trailer IMG 3651 Long Bar connected to tractor and trailer IMG 3654 Chocks removed - boat and trailer pushed down slip adjacent to pontoon - crew have bow and stern lines ready to remove off trailer when floats IMG 3635 Helm breifs Tractor driver IMG 6771.Tractor heads to get long bar - crew prepare lines jpg IMG 3650 Long Bar connected to tractor IMG 3648 Disconnected trailer from tractor IMG 6770 Disconnecting from tractor - trailer blocked IMG 3667 Driver awaits Helm instructions IMG 6778 Chocks removed, crew in place with bow and stern lines ready to launch down the slipway IMG 6775 Long bar being connected to trailer IMG 6779 IMG 6774. Long bar connecting to trailer IMG 6772. Bow Line ready 0 stiill locked around bow cleat, chocks in placejpg IMG 6781 Squb being brought alongsie and tractor about to pull trailer out IMG 6773. Crew support driver to connect tractor to long bar IMG 6777 IMG 6780 Tractor pushes boat in - trailer floating off guided by bow (power ) and stern (guide) lines