Looking for some inspiration?


When it comes to kick starting  Healthier lifestyle, a little inspiration goes a long way.


 I am just an  ordinary bloke who needs to get fit and active to continue to enjoy my life.   When I slipped two discs in his back in July 2015 it put a complete stop to my sailing – something I really enjoy.  I wasn’t able to get back on a boat until April 2016 and even now, I have to be protective of my lower back, right shoulder, right thigh and left foot – all with movement issues.

The reality is something has to  to change if I want to keep on sailing for years to come .

I have been inspired by others around me, including members with RCSSC, to take action.

So, using my CSSC membership to grab a bargain, I joined a local gym, am working with a coach and started a programme which aims to improve my core, my strength and help me recover from injuries which are still niggling me.

The CSSC asked for volunteers to blog for six weeks and I offered to volunteer and have been accepted.

If, like me, you’re looking for inspiration, check out these ordinary people’s updates on the CSSC Inpsire Me 2018  page  Here’s week one – the next report in two weeks.

Keeeeeeep sailing!!







About Dave Grundy

Joined RCSSC after over 25 years gap from sailing offshore and dinghies. I quickly got involved and became the Sailing Secretary, later the Treasurer and for three years RCSSC Club Commodore ( Now title is Club Captain) So glad I found RCSSC.