What’s a Passage Race?

Leaving the pontoon: Soling Time Flies with Squibs Lift Off and Satyr on the Pontoon rigging

RCSSC are members of the Cruiser Fleet and I noticed in their latest News Letter (which by the way has so much going on right through to December lunch – all things being equal and possible) a reference to Passage Sails on on Saturday 29th May and 28 August – both Bank Holiday Weekends.

Intrigued, I contacted RCSSC’s ‘font of all knowledge’ John Cranwell Ward and as usual he knew the answer. The following is our exchange by email which I am delighted to share with our members – sounds like fun to me.

Sailing in Good Company as ever

DAVE: Not sure what a Passage Race actually is in this context – I am assuming sailing in company along an agreed route and then followed by tea.  John, I thought perhaps you might be able to fill in my knowledge gaps here?

JOHN: Passage Race definition. The first passage race was a few years ago and attempted to “replicate” a passage across the channel from Dover to Calais on Rutland Water, therefore about 21 miles. 2 laps of the lake going to all the main corners approximates that rhumb line distance.  As that first one ended up in “France” a French themed evening with a French meal etc. was organised. The next one was “Fort William to Oban” and started with a piper to pipe off the start, with a Scottish meal of haggis and neaps included at end of the day with a piper piping in  the haggis and addressing the haggis as per a Burn’s night supper etc.

Wouldn’t it be grand to have all three RCSSC boats involved. Why not book yourself in for a Passage sail – who know’s where we will end up?

Now has it happens, I have ear- marked Saturday 29 May Bank Holiday for a sail.

Following my leader?

Fancy joining us for a sail?

About Dave Grundy

Joined RCSSC after over 25 years gap from sailing offshore and dinghies. I quickly got involved and became the Sailing Secretary, later the Treasurer and for three years RCSSC Club Commodore ( Now title is Club Captain) So glad I found RCSSC.