After the weather played its tricks over the weekend and on Monday morning, at last an opportunity for our guests Frances and Stanley Ipson to check out sailing (and perhaps a chance to helm) on Satyr with members Mark Gadd and Marc Tebbutt with support from Mike Threadgill and Dave […]
Monthly archives: July 2019

First and foremost, Sailing Tasters are about Fun and Sailing safely. We’ve being doing sailing tasters for a number of years now so you could say that they are always on the go in one way. However, an organisation point of view, they tend to start early in the new […]
RCSSC Sailing Tasters – Fun and Smiles all round

Report by Mike Simmons On a breezy Sunday (force 5 gusting 6 or more) the RCSSC open-top car society – plus me – met at the boats to consider the Round the Lake cruiser race. After a lot of dithering (including my warm up of mowing the grass round the […]