Yearly archives: 2018

Until recently I didn’t know Linda, Daisy, Sarah, Neil, Shane, Liam or Aisling – but it appears we have more in common than I first thought………..  read on to find out more. Looked at individually we are all very different people. These people do have a secret that joins them […]

Want to know a secret?

The Sailing season is almost upon on us  …….  honestly and yes I know snow is forecast again this coming weekend. If I want to sail,  I do need to be reasonably fit and particular duck under that boom I am leaning on in the picture and more.  I need […]

Are you fit to sail?   No I don’t mean can you sail or that you are a bad sailor or anything like that. Simply put, are you fit enough to go sailing, or whatever it is you do, and get the best out life? Those who know me are […]

  Heroic Boat Husband brave’s icy and snow conditions Some of you may have seen John Cranwell Ward’s recent post notifying members he had checked the boats before the ‘Beast from the East’ arrives with all it has to offer. Here’s what he didn’t tell you about his sacrifice in […]