On Saturday, Mike Simmons and I enjoyed a grand day sailing on Squib Satyr. The wind was a gentle F2 but a F3 was promised and we weren’t disappointed. As it happens the wind did pick up and we sailed the whole of the south leg and also managed to […]
markgadd49@googlemail.com Sailing at Rutland Water
After all the work of rigging yesterday, with wall to wall sunshine and light winds forecast, it’s time to launch and test the boats. John, Mike, Eric and Dave bravely volunteered. Later on the wind did pick up to a Force 2 and we did get a decent sail with […]
30 March 21 Boat Testing Sail

Doing some admin work for our great little club Rutland Civil Service Sailing Club, based at Rutland Sailing Club and part of the Civil Service Sailing Association, when I happened upon my old Army ‘certificate of qualifications’. Immediately I spotted my sailing training. It didn’t include my Day Skipper taken […]