Boats all Ship Shape and Ready

RCSSC are looking forward to welcoming our four Taster guests on Saturday 21 August 21. There’s a lot of preparation and this includes ensuring the boats are ship shape and clean inside and out – thanks to our Boat Husband team and volunteers.

Job Done! Soling and both Squibs cleaned inside and out
Boat Cleaning volunteers Dave Grundy, Anne Brolly, Mike Threadgill and Tina Andrew

The day before the boat husband team John Cranwell Ward and Mike Threadgill had met up to rub down and paint Time Flie’s trailer. Doesn’t she look smart?

Members Mike and Tina roll up their sleeves and make sure Time Flies puts on her best face for our Taster Guests on Saturday 21 August 21

Anne on Lift Off – makes sure the inside and top decks are ship shape.
Meanwhile Tina works on putting a gleam on Lift Off’s hull

Anne Brolly “Do a yoga pose Dave!” Your wish is my command Anne. No one said we couldn’t laugh while we worked 😉
Squibs Lift Off and Satyr – Cleaned and ready for out taster guests on Saturday 21 Aug 21

Well done to the Boat Husband team and our volunteers – our taster days just would not happen without your efforts.

About Dave Grundy

Joined RCSSC after over 25 years gap from sailing offshore and dinghies. I quickly got involved and became the Sailing Secretary, later the Treasurer and for three years RCSSC Club Commodore ( Now title is Club Captain) So glad I found RCSSC.