The boat husband team rightly proud of a job well done

Who better to launch  Lift Off on her first sail since her refurbishment but our Boat Husband team  John and Mike.

The slider shows pictures of the launch on a blustery morning on Saturday 1 April 2017.

The following update from John gives us just a small taster of the level of care and attention to detail to ensure our boats are at their best for our members to sail.

Report from Boat Husband John Cranwell Ward on the trial sail of Lift Off 1 April 2017 .

Very squally today, much stronger winds than forecast. Mike, Eric and myself set off in Lift Off and Tony and Grahame followed in Satyr. Issues with Lift Off.

Tiller is too short and doesn’t allow sufficient leverage in the strong gusty conditions we had today, the tiller extension is too long and easily gets entangled in the backstay just when you need maximum control it may not be possible. The new horn cleat fitted to hold the main halyard wasn’t man enough for the job allowing the main halyard to slip off and allowing the main sail to partially collapse on us.  

We had a wonderful broach in the strong conditions almost flat on our side.

After a while decided to head back and take the boat ashore to refine the systems. We have changed the rudder, tiller and tiller extension with the one on Brandy Snap and that is so much better.  We have changed the jib and main halyard over to allow better control. We have changed the shackle sizes on the jib to allow more purchase to the correct height on both the jib halyard and the jib which should just sweep the foredeck if set correctly. The main sheet block did not have sufficient support and drops down so have fitted a temporary taped pipe under the block to support it and will look at further improvement’s such as a marine grade coiled spring to support it or changing the main sheet block for another system.

We costed the system we have on Brandy Snap and it works out at £150, so have discussed with JL a cheaper used alternative that we will try first, costing around £15. JL has offered us a wooden tiller for the rudder on Lift Off which is longer than the present alloy tiller. We will try that first, it has to be better than the one we have now. We realised today that we are spoilt by some of the systems we have on our other boats particularly the main sheet system with the new PBX “power cleats” which makes life a doddle. So a bit more work needed on Lift Off to ensure she is easy to control and sail.



Doesn’t Lift Off look stunning and I’m looking forward to sailing her soon myself, as unfortunately I couldn’t be their myself for the launch.  It looks like a another grand day was had by all.  Well done guys – great result!  Thank you – we’re lucky to have you.


About Dave Grundy

Joined RCSSC after over 25 years gap from sailing offshore and dinghies. I quickly got involved and became the Sailing Secretary, later the Treasurer and for three years RCSSC Club Commodore ( Now title is Club Captain) So glad I found RCSSC.