We played this game from my childhood on a bus trip recently and everyone got involved and enjoyed it. So here goes, here is my challenge to you – Q1 How many words can you make from RUTLAND SAILING . Minimum four letters, no plurals, no pronouns. Q2: What is […]
Yearly archives: 2019

I joined Mike and John for a sail on Time Flies on Monday and we happened to bump into Caroline and Nick, RSC new caterers. Small world, as they also run the Copper Kettle in Crowland – “a nice place to meet and eat” as it says on their door […]
Meet Caroline and Nick RSC Caterers

This trip takes place on 31 August 2019 picking up in Crowland and Peterborough. Just another benefit of being a member of RCSSC and CSSC. Find out more ….. and book your place
Kensington Palace Coach Trip
The Squib News and some great images from our friends at the National Squib Association. Meanwhile RCSSC was doing its bit – with two Squibs sailing on Good Friday, Saturday and Easter Monday [and not forgetting our Soling “Time Flies’] and 12 bookings from members wishing to sail.
A Happy Easter for Squibs
When I got home [Friday 19 April 2019] and went into the kitchen and remembered I still had my sunglasses on. No worries, my specs are in my blue dry bag I thought. After a bit of searching it soon became apparent it wasn’t in my big bag or in […]