My first introduction to sailing was when I was in Grenada watching people sail Hobie cats. I thought I would like to do that, and paid for a half hour lesson. When I came back to shore the chap said ‘you can sail off you go’.
It was so nice to sail in the warm water and so I didn’t mind getting wet.
I wanted to learn to sail after that and my wife saw an advert in the local magazine, it gave details of a free taster. So off we both went and had a great sail with Dave Grundy and John Cranwell Ward. I knew I was hooked and I was glad to find that I could sail without getting wet, as the water at home was cold.
Over the next few months I was advised in all aspects of sailing, I went on to pass RYA level 2 and then started to helm on taster days myself. I loved seeing the smiles on people’s faces when I took them out. They always asked the same question when I asked if they would like to take the helm. Will I be ok? Don’t worry I will keep an eye on you, I would say. They seemed to smile so much that I thought I would have to take them to A and E to get the smile off their faces. After a while I was presented with a commodore award and I was over the moon. I then became a Helm on the 27ft Soling.

I now sail all over the world with confidence and have that smile on my face again sailing the dart 16. So nice to see fish, coral and the occasional turtle. You are never too old to learn, so come along and try and have a go you – will be well looked after at a friendly sailing club with a very nice bar and restaurant to enjoy when you come ashore….
Mike Threadgill