Our Squibs and the Soling we enjoy access to, are both great to sail and both give an exciting sail – but there are a few differences I’ve learned through ongoing ‘conversion’ development coaching with John Cranwell Ward.
What is a Soling?
Designed by Norwegian Jan Linge for the Olympics, the Soling is a fast, non sinkable, 27 foot, one ton, International One Design, racing keel-boat. Click here to find out more.
Topping Lift, a choice of sails, self- balers and even (plastic) snakes are just a few of the differences that become apparent when getting Time Flies ready for sailing. She is 8 ft longer than a Squib and is a sleek stunner!
Being bigger is one obvious difference, Her trailer is a four wheeler so tight corning is a real ‘no-no’ – so the tractor driver needs to be careful .
Don’t forget to close the self-balers before launching (this should be done in the boat yard when rigging.
Time Flies is a dream to sail, but you soon realise you are sailing a thorough bred who is fully of energy and quick to take off and slower to stop, with big sails.
Practice, Practice
As we all know, the most dangerous time is departing and returning to the pontoons and hence sailing in different wind conditions etc and practice, practice
“We could all use a little coaching. When you’re playing the game, it’s hard to think of everything.” JIM ROHN.
Anyone who can remember learning to sail would agree with the above quote – there is a lot going on around you and on the boat. The learning never stops. A ‘conversion’ is certainly very, very useful and will need a lot of practice, practice sailing on Time Flies with our “coach” John Cranwell Ward.
And of course, we are lucky to be sailing an Olympic Boat, which makes “Time Flies” a really extra special Soling. We are privileged for sure.