A Rare but Regular Visitor to Rutland Water – John Cranwell Ward

No not John, he’s always at Rutland Sailing Club working on our members behalf in one way or another.  John sent in this interesting and timely article which I am delighted to share.

We all know that Rutland Water is a very special place, after all it is the home of RCSSC!  Besides lying in a beautiful peaceful landscape, it is also the home of The Rutland Ospreys.

These very rare birds were encouraged with ready-made nests and a pair introduced from Scotland and first appeared at Rutland Water in the 1990’s.   They have recently had Satellite Trackers fitted and it was discovered that they disappear around Sept time and fly to a lake in Senegal, even that years chicks who are only four months old.

They winter in Senegal, and when temperatures start to rise and get too hot they navigate back to Rutland Water.   They usually re-appear in March / April time back to their original nests.

If you look carefully high in the skies above your mast when sailing if you are lucky you will see them fishing for Rutland Trout!

A local business man has donated a live web cam, so the Ospreys are now avail to see live on their nests 24 hours a day. https://www.ospreys.org.uk/webcam/  You see they  have arrived back from Senegal and can be seen on their nests.


Thanks John.

Fascinating to watch and I see there is a lot of other information on the website too.

Coincidently, I saw an article on BBC news this morning, Sunday 8 April 18 on this very topic.  I didn’t know they mate for life and return to the same each year and that they have mask like markings which make them really unique.  Another good reason for keeping your eye on the wind indicator fellow sailors – you never know what you might see at Rutland Water.

About Dave Grundy

Joined RCSSC after over 25 years gap from sailing offshore and dinghies. I quickly got involved and became the Sailing Secretary, later the Treasurer and for three years RCSSC Club Commodore ( Now title is Club Captain) So glad I found RCSSC.