Rutland Sailing Taster Day – A message from Carol
Saturday 16 June 2018

CSSC Taster guest enjoys her first ever sail and gets on the helm of Satyr -winds picking up F2-3.
On arrival at Rutland Water, on what was forecast to be a showery day, I was greeted by Dave and Eric and soon found myself kitted out with appropriate waterproofs and buoyancy jacket. We were briefed on the day ahead and then set off to begin our adventure.
In the morning I was sailing with Dave and Eric in the 19 ft. keel boat, and in the afternoon, after lunch on the clubhouse balcony overlooking the water, I was sailing in the 27 ft. Soling ‘Time Flies’ (which raced in the 1972 Olympics) with John and Jason.
All the guys are experienced helms and crew and I knew I was in very good hands!
It was great fun launching the boats, being on the water & taking the helm, helping man the sails, and really feeling part of the crew, and then bringing the boats in and off the water.
There was a lot to do and learn, and the guys were only too pleased to guide us and help us enjoy and make the most of our day.
Fortunately the showers never came, the sun shone and in the afternoon the wind really got up, so the sailing was even more amazing and fun in the afternoon.
I don’t know how CSSC/RCSSC managed it, but they’d even arranged a fly-past by the Red Arrows, complete with red, white and blue smoke trail, and some vintage planes overhead – not bad for £20! for CSSC members.
I will certainly go sailing again with Rutland Civil Service Sailing Club (RCSSC)/ CSSC and recommend anyone to do the same.
Rutland Water is a great setting and the facilities at the sailing club are perfect. I made a weekend of it, stayed over in a local B&B on Saturday night and walked all the way around Rutland Water on Sunday. A beautiful place to be.
Thank you guys for a fab day & see you next time! – Carol W

Enjoying your first ever sail Carol?